Home WAEC Amazing Latest Update on WAEC Marking Scheme and Grading System 2024

Amazing Latest Update on WAEC Marking Scheme and Grading System 2024

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The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) marking scheme and grading system is an important aspect for students preparing to take their exams. In this article, we will explore the latest updates to WAEC marking scheme and grading procedures for the 2024 exams, discuss some frequently asked questions, and provide helpful tips for students who are preparing for WAEC examination.

WAEC Marking Scheme Overview

The WAEC marking scheme involves awarding marks to students based on their answers. Examiners carefully follow the marking guidelines to consistently and fairly grade all exam scripts. Some key points about WAEC marking scheme:

It is criterion-referenced, meaning student performance is compared to pre-determined learning standards rather than other students.

Marks are allocated based on how well answers meet the requirements of exam questions. Partial marks may be awarded for incomplete but relevant responses. 

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Examiners undergo rigorous training to ensure the marking scheme is implemented uniformly across different exam sessions and locations.

See also: Instant WAEC Result Checker: Get Your Scores Now

WAEC Grading System

WAEC uses grades A1, B2, B3, C4, C5, C6, D7, E8 and F9 to report student performance. The minimum grade required to pass is C6. Here is a quick overview of WAEC’s grading scale:

  • A1 – 75-100%: is the highest and demonstrates excellent understanding of concepts. 
  • B2 – 70-74%: indicates very good performance.
  • B3 – 65-69%: means good performance.
  • C4 – 60-64% and C5 – 55-59% are credited passes, while C6 – 50-54% is the minimum credited pass.
  • D7 – 45-49%: means the student passed
  • E8 – 40-44%: means the student narrowly passed and can improve with remedial work. 
  • F9 – 0-39%: signifies an overall failure and requires re-taking the entire subject.

Latest Updates to WAEC Marking Scheme for 2024

  • Some notable changes to WAEC marking scheme and grading procedures for the 2024 exams include:
  • Increased allocation of marks for calculation steps in subjects like Mathematics and Physics to reward logical working.
  • Introduction of grade C6+ to distinguish borderline passes slightly above the minimum pass score. 
  • Tighter moderation and double-marking of scripts around grade boundaries to minimize discrepancies.
  • Expansion of chief examiners to include more subject matter experts for accurate assessment.

See also: Remarkable Impacts of WAEC Result on Higher Education and Career

How to Score A1 in WAEC

Scoring an A1 in WAEC requires thorough preparation and strategic approach. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Start early: Begin your preparation well in advance to allow yourself sufficient time to cover the entire syllabus.
  • Understand the exam format: Familiarize yourself with the structure and marking scheme of the WAEC exam to know what to expect.
  • Create a study schedule: Develop a study plan that allocates specific time for each subject and topic, ensuring comprehensive coverage.
  • Use past papers: Practice solving past exams to become familiar with the question formats and identify areas for improvement.
  • Seek help when needed: Don’t hesitate to ask for clarification or assistance from teachers, peers, or tutors to enhance your understanding of difficult concepts.
  • Take effective notes: Develop a system for organizing and reviewing your notes to facilitate better retention and revision.
  • Practice time management: Learn to manage your time effectively during the exam to ensure you complete all questions within the allocated time.
  • Review and revise: Regularly review and revise all subjects, focusing on areas of weakness identified through practice exams and feedback.
  • Stay focused and motivated: Maintain a positive mindset, stay motivated, and avoid distractions to maximize your study time and concentration.
  • Adopt effective study techniques: Utilize active learning strategies such as summarizing, self-quizzing, and teaching others to reinforce your understanding.
  • Take care of yourself: Get enough sleep, eat well-balanced meals, and engage in physical activities to maintain good overall health and mental well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions about the WAEC Marking Scheme

Here are some commonly asked questions about the WAEC marking scheme and grading system:

Q1. How is the marking scheme developed?

WAEC develops detailed marking guidelines for each question based on learning objectives and examiners’ feedback after test administrations. 

Q2. Can I request a re-marking of my exam scripts?

Yes, you can apply for re-marking by WAEC within a specific timeframe, usually 30 days after the results are released. A small fee applies.

Q3. What is the highest grade achievable in WAEC exams?

The highest grade is A1, which is awarded to candidates with near-perfect scores. The distinction is also awarded to overall best-performing candidates.

Q4. How long does WAEC take to release results?

Results are generally released about 2-3 months after the last exam. WAEC aims to reduce this timeline going forward through improved efficiency.

Q5. What subjects are considered for the classification of results?

WAEC classifies results based on your best performance in three core subjects – English Language, Mathematics, and one other relevant subject.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, staying updated on the WAEC marking scheme and grading procedures can help optimize your exam preparation and performance. With the latest changes aimed at greater fairness and transparency, 2024 exam candidates stand to benefit.

Let me know in the comment section if you need further clarification or have additional questions.

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